domingo, 4 de marzo de 2018


Carbohydrates are biomolecules composed by carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Resultado de imagen de carbohidratos

The carbohydrates are one group of food. They are the group that gaves us energy.
 Resultado de imagen de food wheel
Carbohydrates are found in pasta, bread and cereals. Carbohydrates are needed for making activities, if carbohydrates are comsumpted and no used, are extra fats in our body.
Our body needs the carbohydrates in one way or another. This depends on the activity our body is making.
Resultado de imagen de muñequitos deportistas en negro
For example:
In a tennis match our body is making short but very intense physical activity. In this example intensity is higher. Pulsations are higher and in a short period of time are low again.

In a football match effords are less intense but are longer. Here the physical activity is more or less the same
Resultado de imagen de tenis